2 Good Reasons To Wear Sweatbands
We’ve been looking for articles on why people should still wear sweatbands. We say still because a few years ago, wearing sweatbands was actually okay. Most fashion websites would go offline before recommending sweatbands to anybody – especially in the advent of stylish sportswear. Nowadays, if we see someone wearing a sweatband, we automatically assume that they are either on their way to an ‘80s themed party or worse, left their sense of fashion in that decade.
Why all the hate? Sweatbands never did anything wrong to anybody! They just kept doing what they’re made to do – control sweat. So we thought why not write our own article on behalf of the defenseless sweatband?
Sweatbands are made for function, not fashion
First of all, sweatbands were never made for fashion. They are originally made to help control sweat during sporting activities. As an avid runner, I understand the temptation to buy expensive and fashionable sportswear, especially if you are just starting out. However, I found that I sweat excessively after a few kilometers and often find myself worrying about the sweat than concentrating on the road. I needed a sweatband if I wanted to run longer and faster.
Beating a personal best goes way beyond worrying about how you look while working out. It’s about buying items to improve your performance, not your looks. Let’s put it this way, if sweat gets in the way of you delivering an ace, wouldn’t you risk getting caught by the fashion police? Let’s face it, the paparazzi aren’t exactly photographing your every move.
They get your hair and sweat out of the way of your game
We don’t deny that sweatbands don’t exactly do anything for your figure. They do, however, do something to improve your game. If you are one of those people who sweat excessively, then you know how perspiration can mess up your tennis game or interrupt your yoga session because you constantly need to wipe the sweat out of your hand or face. This takes your focus out of the game! When you’re playing a sport or working out, nothing else should be on your mind except playing your best. If that takes wearing a sweatband, then go right ahead!
They may be few, but these two reasons are certainly enough reasons for us to continue wearing sweat bands. How about you? Have we changed your mind about it?
Visit Suddora.com for more about sweatbands, sweat technology and other sports gear