No More Excuses! Unbelievably Simple Ways You Can Get Fit While At Work
We’ve all used the ‘I’m too busy’ ruse as an excuse not to exercise. But did you know that skipping your yoga class only makes it worse for you at the office? The lower back pain, carpal tunnel, stress or lack of focus you are experiencing can be caused by your lack of regular physical activity. There are ways you can have your fix of physical activity while you are stuck in your cubicle at work – it’s called ‘Deskercising’.
Deskercising involves doing stretching, muscle strengthening exercises right at your desk or any empty open space you have at work. It supplements your regular exercise routine and makes up for times when you don’t have enough room in your schedule to attend a class.
Some of these exercises are so unbelievably simple that you might doubt their effectiveness. Don’t! Experts believe that the body appreciates any form of movement throughout the day no matter how small. Try these out for yourself today:
- Walk and talk to your co-workers instead of sending them email. What’s the point of an email to a person sitting 10 cubicles away from you? Walk over there and work it out personally.
- Take the stairs. Whether you’re on your way to the cafeteria or to another department, skip taking the elevator if it’s just 4-5 flights of stairs away from your floor. This will be hard at first, but before you know it, you’re not even breaking a sweat climbing 5 floors.
- Go to a stairwell or an empty conference room and simulate jumping rope or jumping jacks for 1 minute. An instant boost of energy for a particularly stressful day.
- For Your Arms and Shoulders: Hold your chair arms and carefully lift your bottom off the chair. Do this 15 times.
- For Your Back: Place both hands on your desk and slowly push your chair back as far back as you can with your head in between your arms. Pull yourself up again and repeat 15 times.
- Reach for the sky by stretching both arms over your head, extending one arm higher than the other every 10 seconds.
- Stretch your calves while printing out 200 copies of a 10 page report. Stand with both feet on the ground, press up on your toes, pause of 2 to 3 seconds then slowly come down.
- Put on a catchy song on your music player and dance in your cubicle. Just make sure you’re not disturbing anybody!
Simple enough, right? Doing these exercises at work can help you be more productive and avoid getting sucked into the sedentary lifestyle.
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