Easy Way To Carry Keys While Running
If you are like most outdoor runners, you like to hit the trail or streets light. Most of your compression clothing does not offer pockets. Nor would you want them to. Many runners struggle with where to put their keys and ID. Well today we have a two in one solution. Running sweatbands with a zipper pocket.
The Suddora Zipper Wristbands are made of a high end cotton blend that feels great on your skin. Some people call them a wrist wallet since the item can hold your keys, cash, cards and ID. The terry blend of cotton is great to use to wipe sweat off your forehead. It can be used in place of a sports headband. Though, we recommend using both.
The wallet wristbands are available in 10 different colors to match up with your favorite outfit. Great for both outdoor and indoor use.
Visit Suddora.com for more about sweatbands, sweat technology and other sports gear