We Dare You To Raise Funds for Breast Cancer
We’re pretty sure you’ve heard about the ALS ice bucket challenge. Everyone from your cousin to Tom Hiddleston has done it in support of a disease called Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease. The dare has earned almost $100 million for the American ALS association – a far cry from the $2.8 million they raised during the same period in 2013.
The duo that started Charity Kick believes that a dare can be more than just a good time – it can raise awareness for a worthy cause as well. They provide a platform for anyone to dare just about anyone to do something crazy for charity. The dare earns money from people who want to see the dare come to life or from companies that promise to match money raised from the dare.
We think Charity Kick is a great way to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer! We still have a few weeks before the start of the Breast Cancer Awareness month in October which gives us enough time to commit to a fitness dare.
Dare your family, friends and co-workers to commit to an exercise program this month. Here are our suggestions:
- Dare your co-workers to bike to work for the next 8 weeks.
- Dare your company’s CEO to wear pink for a whole week.
- Dare the students in your local school to raise $1000 for breast cancer charity and commit to matching the first $1000 (great idea for local businesses)
- Dare your managers to run a total of 21 kilometers during breast cancer awareness month
As long as the dare is good natured and for a good cause, you’ll have no problems finding people to take it on. Making breast cancer awareness events fun is the key to getting the message across. Good luck!
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